Practice Tests

For each test in the PECT program, a full-length practice test in PDF format is available at no charge via this website. For the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA), this practice test also contains information to help you evaluate your performance, including your responses to the sample constructed-response assignments.
An online, interactive, fee-based practice test, with comprehensive performance feedback and a score report, is also available for each test in the PECT program. Candidates may purchase practice tests for themselves directly on this website.
- Learn more about fee-based practice tests.
- View a free sample of a fee-based practice test
- Review minimum software and browser specifications and answers to FAQs
- Institutions: Order practice test vouchers for your candidates.
Both types of practice test contain the same type and number of questions as can be found on an actual test, as well as any applicable reference materials (e.g., math formulas page) that will be available on the test. The practice tests also contain test directions similar to what you will see on the day of the test.
Select a test from the dropdown list below to access the practice tests and other preparation materials available for that test.
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